
Showing posts from November, 2021


War and Political Instability in Honiara City Solomon Islands November 25, 2021  The purpose of this article was to examine the implications of perceived risk and international tourism in Solomon Islands. A review of current literature primarily included peer reviewed online journals. Most of the study was aligned towards Lepp and Gibson’s (2003) research on tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism as point of reference in studying Solomon islands tourism setting, and by reviewing other researchers’ work such as Cohen’s (1972) tourist typology, Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs and Pearce’s (1996) analysis of recent research in tourist behaviour. The study focus was more specifically targeted to identifying perceived risk factors associated with international tourism in Solomon Islands, and critically analyse whether those perceived risks disagree to Cohen’s novelty preference. A survey of Australian students, volunteers, New Zealanders, Americans, Canadians, and ...


  Withlam K Togamae is a Shareholder of Bintan Mining Solomon Islands, 2021 Withlam K Togamae is the shareholder of Bintan Mining SI Limited. Withlam K Togamae is now acting for Nickel Enterprise SI Limited to mine West Rennell, yet again. After all the mistake Withlam K Togamae and Associates did, and the criminalization of mining operations on West Rennell, Withlam K Togamae is more confident as ever. Reports confirmed that the Prime Minister hold Withlam K Togamae's repute and mining company in high regard, for example, in 2017, Sogavare MP said; “I have been watching with keen interest the challenges that your mining operation had to go through in the formative period of your operations and might I add continue to face in Rennell. “I can only admire the cool and understanding manner in which you conducted yourself in dealing with these challenges within the bounds of our laws. “You have demonstrated good corporate citizenship in this matter. “For this I thank you very much and ...