
Urgent Clarification Needed on the Role of the Commissioner of Lands in Russell Islands Affairs

  Solomon Islands Commissioner of Lands, 2024. I write to bring an issue of utmost importance to the attention of the public—an issue concerning the ongoing land disputes in the Russell Islands, the role of the Commissioner of Lands, and the involvement of Levers Solomon Limited (LSL) and Patrick Wong. The Russell Islands have been a center of land-related controversies for years, and recent developments have only added to the confusion. At the core of this issue is a question: Who does the Commissioner of Lands represent in the ongoing matters concerning the islands? Does the Commissioner act on behalf of the Solomon Islands Government (SIG), or is he representing private interests such as LSL and Patrick Wong? Firstly, it is essential to clarify the legal standing of the Russell Islands in relation to the Solomon Islands Government. To date, SIG has no direct legal connection to the management, administration, or control of lands in the Russell Islands. This raises serious concer...


  Facebook page of In-Depth Solomons “I came across ‘the block’ exchange on our website and Facebook page, researching the ‘Wealth of Sogavare, and Chinese giving money to Solomon Star,’ or so it seems,” Ofani said, “of course it concerns me.” Ofani Eremae is the Co-founder, and Editor of the In-depth Solomons website and Facebook page. “My friend, well..,” I replied, “You are more the expert here. I would not even spit on him.” Solomon Intel (SI) was delicate enough to highlight events, and diagnose issues, instead of parroting the actual happening and gossip of the so called political specialist. Solomon Intel (SI) asserts ‘hate speech’ was certainly not the context used in its articles, and also, the ‘F – word’ was certainly not the word used in its articulation. Even if Solomon Intel (SI) articulation upset some people, or else affect their actual nature of business. This is because basically people do not like to be talked about, especially men and their very human na...


Robinson Angikipau in the middle ground 2012 My brother Robinson Angikipau passed away in the NRH – National Referral Hospital at dawn on the 16 th of January, 2022. Approximately, two (2) people die each day awaiting organ transplants that according to the Medical Superintendent, Doctor Solomon, we have about 20 patients on our list awaiting overseas referral, as of December 2021, but were unable to go due to lack of funds, which means twenty (20) people hopelessly groveling all the way to the morgue, each month. There is one thing for sure despite the rumors about NRH delaying patient referrals overseas. First, NRH would always want the best for their patients and we strive to get the best service for our patients despite the odds to ensure we exhaust all avenues of opportunities we have to have our patients accepted abroad. And, secondly, specialists and/or subspecialist in Australia would always want to assist patients from the Solomon Islands in good faith.  The reasons why t...


There was this bloke, 23 years old, and positive of Covid-19 (the Corona virus). He was in the Honiara field hospital bed and doctors felt nothing more could be done. Except, hope in a sick world.  World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus, 2020    Was there anything he wanted? Not really, he said. He had wanted to go back home to see his family, but he’d never taken the chance. He knew he had more days or weeks to live inside the field hospital. Eventually, the physios had him walking up and down the corridors. He got motivated every day and he was looking better, ready to go. Who could argue differently?  Quite frankly, he’s a SOPE – State Of Public Emergency. The fact is, if you are diagnosed (with Covid-19) in Australia, Europe, or Asia, you are twice as likely to die. And, if you are an indigenous Solomon, you may be many hundreds of times more likely to die.  The message is obvious. While Covid-19 is no respecter of persons across the international commu...


A long time ago, at the Holy Cross Cathedral Community Hall in Honiara. A black belt karate instructor was demonstrating his martial arts prowess to his trainees. Like hitting bricks, fly kick, and stuff. Afterwards, on his way out, a group of men attacked him. They put him down, and throw him into the drain alongside the main road. Holy Cross Cathedral Community Hall in Honiara, Solomon Islands At that age perhaps, he was still naïve about what a sewer human nature can be. He had just join in a fight he knew no more about than we knew about the people who had come both to kill, and to save him. Sound familiar, yaar? Of course little we knew the atrocities our people are capable of in a street fight, you know. Those were the days, yaar, and here I am writing columns for Solomon Intel. Wheather you like it or not. I mean the man I was talking to was a security guard I simply took for granted, with a blind trust we reserved for our one talks, and in laws. That he knew far more than I...


The Prime Minister’s attempted coup on November 24, 2021 was desperately close. Later on, in a Motion of No Confidence against the Prime Minister, he won only after a count back, 32 primary votes to 15, after two votes abstention on the preferences of themselves. Member Parliamentarians gathered outside the Corridors of Power National Parliament. Honiara. November 24, 2021 Two years ago, similar circumstances too prevailed in April 24, 2019. Sogavare was declared Prime Minister, defeating Wale by polling 34 votes to nil. However, it has been noted that since the Coup of June 5, 2000, still undefeated, after winning four Prime Minister Elections, a  riot often time ensued Sogavare, as the Prime Minister, and  it got as hard as ever.  The Coalition was back in Opposition. Sogavare’s instincts about the Coalition’s call for him to resign were as sound as picking the right time to arrive almost 20 years earlier. And the point is? Just that, like another Prime Minister ...


War and Political Instability in Honiara City Solomon Islands November 25, 2021  The purpose of this article was to examine the implications of perceived risk and international tourism in Solomon Islands. A review of current literature primarily included peer reviewed online journals. Most of the study was aligned towards Lepp and Gibson’s (2003) research on tourist roles, perceived risk and international tourism as point of reference in studying Solomon islands tourism setting, and by reviewing other researchers’ work such as Cohen’s (1972) tourist typology, Maslow’s (1943) hierarchy of needs and Pearce’s (1996) analysis of recent research in tourist behaviour. The study focus was more specifically targeted to identifying perceived risk factors associated with international tourism in Solomon Islands, and critically analyse whether those perceived risks disagree to Cohen’s novelty preference. A survey of Australian students, volunteers, New Zealanders, Americans, Canadians, and ...